Arachide FCP

Product name ISIN WKN Bid Ask Currency Maturity Date Modified
Aquila Capital Infrastructure Note 2024 (matured) XS2050464887 A22BH7 - - EUR 2024-07-01 2024-07-10
CHF Litigation Finance Fund linked Certificates 2026 XS2027964605 A214DS 1 080,10 1 086,59 CHF 2026-09-30 2024-07-12
EUR Litigation Finance Fund linked Certificates 2026 XS2027963037 A214DR 1 124,58 1 131,33 EUR 2026-09-30 2024-07-12
Oaklet history
Oaklet was founded in June 2006 by an experienced Team. Each of the partners, partners and employees can draw on many years of experience and extensive Know-how based on this, whereby the different areas of responsibility were already optimally supplemented in the past.