AGV S.A. (Allgemeine Gesellschaft fuer Verbriefungen)

Product name ISIN WKN Bid Ask Currency Maturity Date Modified
GCF Qualitätsstrategie Aktien Index-Zertifikat 2054 XS2823303420 A4AGZV 100 000,00 100 000,00 EUR 2054-07-31 2024-07-31
PG Vindobona Infrastructure Fund Linked Notes 2054 XS2843962783 A4AH2G 100 626,99 100 626,99 EUR 2054-09-30 2024-09-30
Con Alpha Strategy Linked Second Series Notes 2043 XS2633341917 A3G6BV 207,03 207,95 EUR 2043-12-31 2024-10-10
Stratos II Immobilienanleihe due 2030 XS1739950910 A2HMME 289,44 290,02 EUR 2030-06-30 2024-09-24
Sustainable Multi-Asset Notes 2042 XS1725782681 A2HJNX 132 677,50 133 927,50 EUR 2042-12-19 2024-10-02
HRC PV Strategy 1 Index Notes 2033 XS1078340368 A1ZK5Z 18 785,34 18 830,45 EUR 2033-12-31 2024-10-10
HRC PV Strategy 1 Index Notes 2034 XS1078340798 A1ZK5Y 187 853,39 188 304,51 EUR 2034-12-31 2024-10-10
Lupus alpha CLO II Opportunity Notes 2027 XS0963406052 A1HPZZ 1 010,38 1 032,03 EUR 2027-12-31 2024-10-09
Lupus alpha CLO Opportunity Notes 2025 XS0828893700 A1G9G1 2 303,98 2 351,00 EUR 2025-12-31 2024-10-09
Con Alpha Strategy Linked Notes 2043 XS0893372671 A1XLY5 20 703,42 20 794,62 EUR 2043-12-31 2024-10-10
Oaklet history
Oaklet was founded in June 2006 by an experienced Team. Each of the partners, partners and employees can draw on many years of experience and extensive Know-how based on this, whereby the different areas of responsibility were already optimally supplemented in the past.