
Product name ISIN WKN Bid Ask Currency Maturity Date Modified
Green Development Notes 2 due 2028 (public offer expired) .XS2635169316 .A3G6FT - - EUR 2028-09-30 2024-08-22
Sachwertanleihe 3 Notes due 2027 (public offer expired) .XS2488792461 .A3K5HQ - - EUR 2027-06-30 2024-08-22
Green Development Notes 2 due 2028 XS2635169316 A3G6FT 990,00 1 026,98 EUR 2028-09-30 2024-10-08
Sachwertanleihe 3 Notes due 2027 XS2488792461 A3K5HQ 1 004,35 1 041,86 EUR 2027-06-30 2024-10-01
Oaklet history
Oaklet was founded in June 2006 by an experienced Team. Each of the partners, partners and employees can draw on many years of experience and extensive Know-how based on this, whereby the different areas of responsibility were already optimally supplemented in the past.